Academics and Instruction

In the succeeding years of growth and development, The Quantum Academy, Inc. (TQA) has shown a record of stability and excellence. 

The school’s consistency in winning academic and non-academic contests and its outstanding performance in the local, national, and international assessments and evaluations are manifestations of quality. However, the school refuses to believe that winning competitions joined by a few chosen students is the true measurement of quality education. 

TQA believes that quality education evolves in teaching and practicing the knowledge through hands-on practice and mastery of basic skills, academic aspects, and technical expertise combined with discipline and valued citizenship. Quantum emphasizes the processing of knowledge through evaluation using motivation, inspiration, visionary ambitions, creativity, risk, ability to bounce back from failure, and rising from varied experiences. These skills are associated with understanding the value of knowledge which will help the students prepare for life, work, globalization, and rapid technological advancements. The school believes students should engage in the learning process for real achievement to take place, and the student’s chance to excel will be rewarding to increase self-confidence and more perseverance to achieve higher goals in life. 

The school considers a reward system for every achievement in any aspect of student life and tries to be fair enough to give opportunities to all students. The school provides avenues for the development of advanced and mainstream students. Special programs for academic remediation and acceleration are devised to help academically struggling learners and gifted students. Those who excel in co-curricular activities benefit from student activities. Students are given a bigger chance to exhibit their skills to further their development in different areas. School activities give students the opportunities to discover and develop their creativity and potential.