These clubs are created and supervised by the school to provide opportunities for students to discover, develop, or enhance their talents and socio-personal skills based on their interests and abilities. These clubs are anchored on the school’s educational objectives and set of standards. The Student Council coordinates major activities of the school clubs except for the Quantum Leap (campus journalism).

Note: As part of the requirements for college admission application, certification, recommendation, and extra and co-curricular activity records, all Grade 9-12 students are required to join and actively participate in at least two (2) school clubs.

Student Council

A group of student leaders elected by the student body to execute community outreach projects and coordinate school club activities (grades 7-12). The SC aims to develop responsible student leaders and outstanding leaders of tomorrow.


Community Outreach (Grades 4-12)

Quantum Houses (Grades K-12)


This club aims to gather students sharing the same passion for computers and technology who will be highlighting their projects and innovations during the virtual or face-to-face STEM fair.


Lower School Digital Arts Club (Grades 4-6)

ICT and Digital Arts Society (Grades 7-12)

Quantum Mechanics

A group of students who have serious interests in science, engineering, and mathematics and will be exhibiting science projects, innovations, and inventions during the virtual of face-to-face STEM fair.


LS Quantum Mechanics (Grades 4-6)

JHS Quantum Mechanics (Grades 7-9)

SHS Quantum Mechanics (Grades 10-12)

Arts and Crafts Club

Created for Grade 1 to 6 pupils who are interested in arts & crafts. Their finest art works will be displayed during the school’s virtual or face-to-face exhibit event.

Hip-Hop-K-Pop Virtual Club

A group of high school pop culture enthusiasts and hip-hop dancers who will work together to express their creativity and entertainment through pop talks and hip-hop dancing.

Quantum Leap

Based on the principles of responsible reporting and standards of Quantum high school journalism, student journalists are taught to write, anchor, copyread, edit and at the same time practice fairness, balance, and truthfulness. They are to apply ethical and educational standards to help other students understand the true meaning of freedom of expression and responsible journalism.


Quantum Leap (News and Current Affairs Division)

Kaleidoscope (Magazine Show Division)