Accident / Illness

In case of accident, the school notifies the parents (mobile nos. should always be updated with the school). The child is brought to St. Elizabeth Hospital for emergency treatment. Parents may also decide to fetch their child from school and bring him to the hospital or to their doctor. Any injury that happens outside class hours, school activities, or at dismissal is not the school’s responsibility, but authorities will do their best to attend to the injured student.  

Sending Home: 
If the student becomes ill during the school day, he is taken to the clinic. Should school authorities decide that the student needs to go home to rest, the parents are immediately notified.  

Tolerable Condition: 
Since the school does not allow students to go home due to “tolerable” headache, stomachache, or any “not feeling well” condition, the parents or guardians are asked if their child will go home or not.  

Contagious Disease: 
A child should not come to school if he has fever/flu, severe colds/cough and first signs of mumps, chicken pox/measles, COVID, FMD, sore eyes, or any symptoms of contagious diseases. A student infected with head lice may not be admitted in school until he/she is cleared of the infestation.  

Doctor’s Clearance: 
For absence due to a contagious disease, a doctor’s note advising the school that the child is already fit, and his/her classmates are safe to be with him/her is required before he/she is readmitted in school.  

Parents’ Responsibility: 
Parents/guardians are responsible for checking their child’s health/physical condition before they come to school every day. It is the obligation of the parents to advise the school or the teacher of their child’s ailments, physical or learning handicaps, may they be temporary or permanent.