Character Grade Descriptors

These are grades given to the students to show how they behave and conduct themselves in school. Advisers and subject teachers assess and give character grades every grading period based on the core values of the school. A grade of P or ‘Poor’ causes disqualification from the honors list. Grades in class attitude and respect for others are integrated in the criteria for grading aiming to develop good character, self-discipline, and right values. 

Teachers give character grades every quarter. Teachers must be careful when giving these grades especially if these will cause disqualification of students from the honors list. Any grade disqualified from the honors list must be supported by anecdotal records or post-PTC reports. 

The class adviser and the teachers should have uniformity of grades specifically when a breach of the Student Honor Code is committed by a student. Such a case should be discussed with the parents. 

VS (Very Satisfactory) 

-Attends class regularly and comes to class on time always  

-Gets along well with classmates, cooperative, helpful, neat, orderly, and non-disruptive in class   

-Shows a clear sense of right and wrong through speech and action  

-Works consistently to capacity, submit work promptly, and shows initiative and motivation,   

-Responsible and dependable in fulfilling assigned tasks, follows direction/instruction well,   

-Demonstrates positive attitude toward studies  

-Has not committed any serious offense  

S (Satisfactory) 

-Attends class regularly   

-Comes to class on time  

-Behaves in an exemplary manner always   

-Always works to capacity  

-Has not committed any serious offense  

MS (Moderately Satisfactory) 

-Attends class regularly   

-Comes to class on time   

-Exhibits appropriate behavior   

-Usually works to capacity  

-Has not committed any serious offense  

NI (Needs Improvement) 

-Attendance is with occasional truancy   

-Occasionally shows unacceptable behavior   

-Needs guidance from teachers on behavior  

-Has occasional relationship difficulties with classmates   

-Work is usually not performed/submitted on time   

-May have committed a serious offense   

P (Poor) 

-Poor attendance/always absent   

-Always shows unacceptable behavior  

-Needs regular counseling by teachers on behavior   

-Has difficulty relating with classmates   

-Disruptive in class  

-Work is not performed or not submitted on time  

-Has committed either a few serious offenses or multiple occurrences of a single serious   


-Does not exert effort to participate in class or attempt to learn the subject matter  

-Has committed a major offense