Class Participation / Performance Rubrics

(Modified from iRubric, Coursehero,,,

Oral Participation/Recitation (All Subjects except Mathematics)   



a. Almost perfect; knowledge shared is always accurate, correct, and intelligent, always ready to answer and participate.  

b. Consistently active in class discussions and activities.  


a. Knowledge shared is accurate and broad and all possible intelligent ideas and concepts have been expressed. 

b. Participates voluntarily, actively, and enthusiastically in activities with consideration for the feelings/opinion of others. 

c. Performs tasks (as leader/member) without errors. 

d. Perfect answers within the time limit.  


a. Knowledge shared is accurate and limited, but not enough intelligent ideas and concepts have been expressed. 

b. Participates voluntarily, actively, and enthusiastically in activities with consideration for the feelings and opinions of others. 

c. Performs task (as leader/member) with minor errors.  

d. Almost perfect answers within the time limit.  


a. The knowledge shared is somewhat accurate and limited, but not convincing enough.  

b. Participates actively and enthusiastically with consideration for the feelings and opinions of others. 

c. Performs tasks (as leaders/members) with some errors.  

d. Answers with few errors within the time limit.  


a. Knowledge shared is inaccurate and limited.  

b. Participates hesitantly. 

c. Performs task (as leader/member) with many errors.  

d. Answers with many errors beyond the time limit. 


a. Attempts to share knowledge.  

b. Participates only when compelled to do so. 

c. Attempts to perform task. 

d. No correct answers beyond the time limit. 


a. No attempt to participate or recite. 

Music Performance/Skills Application (Singing) 


a. Almost perfect in all musical skills and aspects.  


a. Confidently sings all pitches correctly. 

b. The performance of the piece is beautifully executed with both appropriate style and interpretation. 

c. Confidently performs all rhythms correctly. 

d. Student performs the piece with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, and articulation. 


a. Sings most of the pitches correctly with few errors and tracks well in musical score.  

b. Most of the rhythms are performed correctly, with few errors. 

c. Most of the piece is performed using correct style and interpretation. 

d. Most of the dynamics are followed, and most of the articulation signs are observed.  

e. Most phrases are performed correctly. 


a. Many of the pitches are sung incorrectly, but student tracks well in musical score. 

b. Some basic rhythms are performed correctly; however, has challenges with some rhythms in specific measures. 

c. Some parts of the piece are performed using both style and interpretation. 

d. Some dynamics are observed. Some articulation is performed. Some phrases are complete and musically accurate. 


a. Most pitches are sung incorrectly, and students are not able to track within musical score.

b. Most of the rhythms in the musical score are performed incorrectly. 

c. The style and interpretation of the piece is not executed during performance.  

d. No dynamics. No use of articulation. 

e. Most phrases are performed incorrectly. 

Music Performance/Skills Application (Instrument) 


a. Almost perfect in all musical skills and aspects. 


a. Tone is consistently focused, clear, and centered throughout the range of the instrument.  

b. Tone has exceptionally superior quality. 

c. The beat is secure, and the rhythms are accurate for the style of music being played.   

d. No errors: pitch is fully accurate. 

e. Dynamic levels are obvious, consistent, and an accurate interpretation of the style of music being played. 

f. Phrasing is always consistent and sensitive to the style of music being played.  

g. Performs with a creative nuance and style in response to the score and limited coaching.

h. Notes are consistently accurate.

i. Secure attacks: markings (staccato, legato, slur, accents, etc.) are executed accurately as directed by the score and/or the conductor.

j. All style markings were played well and accurately.

k. Makes music more than notes and rhythm. 

l. At least 90% of the piece was memorized and played accurately. 


a. Tone is focused, clear, and centered through the normal playing range of the instrument.  

b. Extremes in range sometimes cause tone to be less controlled. 

c. The beat is secure, and the rhythms are mostly accurate. 

d. There are a few duration errors, but these do not detract from the overall performance. 

e. An occasional isolated error, but most of the time pitch is accurate and secure.  

f. Dynamic levels are typically accurate and consistent. 

g. Phrasing is usually consistent and sensitive to the style of music being played. 

h. Typically performs with nuance and style indicated in the score or suggested by instructor or peer. 

i. An occasional inaccurate note is played but does not detract from overall performance.  

j. Attacks are usually secure, though there might be an isolated error; markings are executed accurately as directed by the score and/or the conductor. 

k. Most style markings were played well and accurately; may have missed one or two but did not distract from overall style. 

l. At least 80% of the piece was memorized and played accurately. 


a. Tone is often focused, clear, and centered, but sometimes the tone is uncontrolled in the normal playing range. 

b. Extremes in range are usually uncontrolled. 

c. The beat is erratic; some rhythms are accurate.  

d. Frequent or repeated duration errors. 

e. Rhythm problems occasionally detract from the overall performance.  

f. Some accurate pitches, but there are frequent and/or repeated errors. 

g. Dynamic levels fluctuate but can be discerned. 

h. Phrasing is usually consistent and occasionally sensitive to the style of music being played.  

i. Sometimes performs with nuance and style indicated in the score or suggested by instructor or peer. 

j. A few inaccurate notes are played, detracting from the overall performance.  

k. Attacks are rarely secure, but makings are often executed accurately as directed by the score and/or the conductor. 

l. Failed to play several style markings accurately; style of piece was barely recognizable.  

m. At least 70% of the piece was memorized and played accurately. 


a. The tone is often not focused, clear, or centered regardless of the range being played, significantly detracting from the overall performance. 

b. The beat is usually erratic, and rhythms are seldom accurate, detracting significantly from the overall performance. 

c. Very few accurate or secure pitches; attention to dynamic levels is not obvious.  

d. Phrasing is rarely consistent and/or rarely sensitive to musical style. 

e. Rarely demonstrates expression and style; just plays the note.  

f. Wrong notes consistently detract from the performance. 

g. Few secure attacks: markings are typically not executed accurately.

h. Little or no attention was given to style markings; style of piece is not recognizable.  

i. Below 70% of the piece was memorized and played accurately. 

P.E. Class Activity 


a. Almost perfect in all physical and sports skills and aspects. 


a. Trustworthy, supportive of others and helps others take responsibility for their actions and work.  

b. Willingly works with a group; supports others with positive comments. 

c. Helps others and self to follow directions. 

d. Displays ownership for work completed and any action; conscientiously performs and accepts tasks willingly. 

e. Considerate, forgiving, and caring; acknowledges other people’s feelings and offers comfort. 

f. Reflects habits of good living in all aspects of life; develops and meets individual and group goals and disciplines. 

g. Encourages others to complete tasks. 

h. Sets challenging goals and sustains strong commitment to them. 

i. Initiates service activities, seeks opportunities to respond positively to the needs of others without reward or recognition. 


a. Takes responsibility for own actions and work; takes some risks in sharing ideas with encouragement from others. 

b. Makes positive comments and “put ups” some of the time; willingly works with a partner. 

c. Offers positive input to others and situations. 

d. Is aware of others’ feelings and responds to their needs.  

e. Lives within limits; accepts guidelines; completes tasks.  

f. Models appropriate behavior and recognizes expectations.  

g. Participates in service activities (intrinsic motivation). 


a. Takes responsibility for own actions and works with some encouragement from others.  

b. Keeps self from name calling others; keeps self from striking or pushing others.  

c. Keeps self from using negative comments, negative body language, and “put downs.” 

d. Keeps self from performing negative acts – acting out -Is aware of others’ feelings but ignores them. 

e. Lives within limits; accepts guidelines; tries. 

f. Will share ideas, materials, or time when given a reward (extrinsic motivation). 


a. Does not take responsibility for own actions and work; denies any wrongdoing.  

b. Call people names; strikes or pushes others. 

c. Uses negative comments, negative body language, or “put downs.” 

d. Does not take ownership for negative actions or words.  

e. Does not take responsibility for own actions and work.  

f. Hurtful, with little or no regard for how others feel. 

g. Acts out in a disruptive manner which is harmful to self and others.  

h. Gives up easily; does not share time, materials, or ideas with others. 

P.E. Application/Performance 


a. Almost perfect in all physical and sports skills and aspects.


a. Able to execute the skills required to perform the activity.  

b. Always willing to attempt new or non-mastered skills.  

c. Uses self-analysis to improve skills. 

d. Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of game rules, team strategies, activity terminology, personal wellness, and safety procedures. 

e. Respects self and others, demonstrates proper behavior on and off the court/field and shows leadership, and appreciates teamwork and the team, willing to work with others, practices safely.  

f. Comes to class prepared, on time, and ready to participate; puts forth effort in all class activities, wants and tries to improve. 


a. Able to execute most of the skills required to perform the activity.  

b. Frequently attempts new or non-mastered skills. 

c. Uses self-analysis to improve. 

d. Demonstrates competent understanding of the game rules, team strategies, activity terminology, personal wellness, and safety procedures. 

e. Demonstrates teamwork, sportsmanship, and the concepts of safe play, developing leadership qualities. 

f. Comes to class prepared and on time, infrequently late to class, participates most of the time. 


a. Able to execute selected skills to perform the activity.  

b. Sometimes willing to attempt new or non-mastered skills.  

c. Sometimes uses self-analysis to improve skills. 

d. Demonstrates basic understanding of game rules, team strategies, activity terminology, personal wellness, and safety procedures. 

e. Improving teamwork, sportsmanship, and safe play. 

f. Comes late and/or unprepared, goes “through the motions” and hardly tries in the class activity. 


a. Has difficulty executing the basic skills needed to perform the activity. 

b. Seldom attempts new or non- mastered skills. 

c. Does not use self-analysis to improve. 

d. Demonstrates little understanding of game rules, team strategies, activity terminology, personal wellness, and safety procedures. 

e. Struggles with teamwork, sportsmanship, and concepts of safe play. 

f. Comes to class late and/or unprepared to participate, does not participate/contribute to positive game/activity. 

Artwork / Application 


a. Almost perfect in all artistic and visual skills and aspects. 


a. Explores several choices before selecting one, generates many ideas, tries unusual combinations or changes, uses problem-solving skills. 

b. Continues until it is complete, gives effort far beyond what is required.  

c. Does beautiful and patiently done artwork; shows arduous work. 

d. Participates in necessary preparation or work for classroom, is sensitive to the feelings and knowledge of others, exhibits a positive attitude toward assignment. 


a. Tries a few ideas before selecting one or bases his/her work on someone else’s idea, makes decision after referring to one source. 

b. Works hard and completes the project, but with a bit more effort the artwork may be outstanding lacks final additions.

c. Participates enthusiastically, performs more than adequately, assists in preparation and clean-up. 


a. Tries an idea but lacks originality, work may have been copied, substitutes “symbols” for personal expression. 

b. Finishes the project, but artwork can be improved with more effort, chooses an easy project and does it indifferently. 

c. Shows average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it can be, a bit careless. 

d. Is apathetic toward the assignment, complains, and assists in preparation and clean-up when asked. 


a. Fulfills the requirements of the work but gives no evidence of trying anything unusual. 

b. Project is completed with minimum effort. 

c. Shows average craftsmanship, lacks pride in finished work.

d. Allows others to do most of his/her work, participates minimally, exhibits no interest in the project.