Classroom Discipline (Online / F2F)

It is in the school and classroom, whether Silver Ed., Genyo e-Learning, or in-person, where students receive most of the knowledge they need to be able to develop and educate themselves. Therefore, all students should practice self-discipline. 

a. Students should give due respect to their teachers or to their representatives. They should greet the teachers politely when they meet online or face-to-face. 

b. Show respect to the teacher. 

c. In case the teacher is late for class, students must remain quiet and study lessons. The class president must inform the principal five (5) minutes ‘after the bell’ via Teams if online or phone if face-to-face. 

d. Students should treat their classmates like brothers and sisters. They must speak well of everyone. They should not say anything that may cause the innocent to be blamed. 

e. Courtesy and respect are marks of good breeding and family value. 

f. When called to recite, sit straight and promptly answer in a clear, respectful voice. Students are not allowed to talk when the teacher is talking. They may raise their virtual hands so they can be given a chance to say something. 

g. Students should rest during the SBB/break and should not take their break time as an opportunity to do foolishness that leads to bullying, teasing or accident. 

h. Making fun and ridiculing schoolmates or laughing at their defects and limitations is cruel and prohibited. Instead, students must bear with and understand other shortcomings and failures. 

i. Maliciousness in actions, in speaking and in writing/drawing is unacceptable. 

j. Keeping valuable information or hiding the truth during a disciplinary investigation or when the school needs information to solve a case is a breach of the student honor code.