Computer Laboratory

Access to new learning technologies, such as the Internet, e-textbook, and Silver Ed. offers wonderful learning opportunities for students. However, with such access come important responsibilities. These technologies are valuable and must be used only in appropriate ways.  

  1. Understand that the use of computer resources is a privilege, not a right.  
  2. Do not damage the hardware nor interfere with the configuration in any way. 
  3. Access the internet in school for appropriate educational purposes only. 
  4. Do not deliberately fine, create, use, or download material that does not meet the standards required by the school, parents, and teachers. 
  5. Do not use network software to send or broadcast messages unless authorized by a teacher. 
  6. Use only the assigned computer. 
  7. If a student causes damage to school equipment or software configuration, he will be responsible for paying full repair costs plus parts. 
  8. Any student accessing pornographic sites or files and online games not allowed by the teacher while in school will be given disciplinary sanctions.