Controversial Topics / Issues

There are many issues (personal, social, political, etc.) that, because of their controversial nature, tend to arouse emotions. This does not mean that such issues should be avoided. Quantum has a clear obligation to give students and teachers an understanding of all sides of controversial issues. 

a. Teachers should not use the classroom as an opportunity for deductive or personal declarations of their own views on controversial issues may they be social, political, ideological, etc. 

b. Teachers should maintain professional neutrality taking care to find balance when discussing emotional topics with fellow teachers or students e.g., teacher’s conflicts/termination/resignation, administrative matters, student expulsion, disciplinary sanctions, academic problems, sympathizing, etc.). 

c. Teachers planning to invite guest speakers on potentially controversial subjects are advised to consult co-teachers and seek the approval of the school director. 

d. Teachers should be extremely careful about distributing student materials that are extremely sensitive and must seek the approval of the school director (e.g., sex education, gender orientation, family planning, politics, religions, etc.)