Disciplinary Cases Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 88 S. 2018


A pupil or student in every private school who incurs absences of more than twenty (20%) percent of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the school year or term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the course or subject. However, the school may adopt an attendance policy to govern absences of its pupils or students who belong to the upper half of their respective classes.  

Furthermore, the school director may at her discretion and in the individual case exempt a student who exceeds the twenty percent limit for reasons considered valid and acceptable to the school. Such discretion shall not excuse the student concerned from responsibility in keeping up with lesson assignments and taking examinations where indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the school director and may not be availed of by a student or granted by a faculty member without the school director’s consent.  

Habitual tardiness, especially during the first period in the morning and in the afternoon, should not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parents of the student concerned or visit him at home.  

Attendance And Punctuality  

Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required in all classes. A pupil/student who has been absent or has cut classes is required to present a letter of explanation from his/her parents or guardian or to bring them to school for a short conference with the section adviser or guidance mentor.  

Attendance of pupils/students in special holidays, activities relative to their religion, e.g., Ramadan, shall be allowed provided permission of the school director is sought.  

School Uniform/Haircut  

A school uniform is prescribed for all pupils/students. Shoes are considered part of the uniform. All students shall be required to wear the official school uniform on the school campus.  

The acceptable haircut for boys shall be at least one (1) inch above the ear and three (3) inches above the collar line.