FOR THE VIOLATIONS BELOW, the penalty shall be commensurate to the offense committed and the nature of the damage or harm done to schoolmate, teacher, personnel, school name, school property, and operation

  1. Copying, distributing, extracting, or accessing personal/private files or conversations, whether digital or non-digital, without permission of the owner 
  1. Disrespect to the school as an educational institution, the school authorities, teachers, and staff in words and actions, by gossiping, and by any form of response via internet or social media that can damage their reputation, using their names without permission or authorization, insubordination or instigating others to insubordination, provoking incidents harmful to the good name of the school or the employee 
  1. Dress code violation 
  1. Deliberate or recurring use of foul, malicious, lascivious, lewd, humiliating words, and lies in school, toward schoolmate/s, or on the internet that may harm a person or the school 
  1. Involvement in obscene digital or non-digital photos, public or private chats/screenshots, reading materials, videos, or displays whether leaked publicly or privately, dummy, or legitimate account, fiction, or nonfiction representation, animated or live-action film, and the like 
  1. Mark of lewdness, act of lasciviousness, use of obscene words and writing, graphics, display, bringing or distribution of pornographic, indecent material within school premises, official online platforms, or to fellow Quantum students. 
  1. Violation of data and personal privacy, unauthorized voice, or video recording, taking picture, sharing, or posting on the web, spreading private or confidential matter inside and outside the school without permission of the owner or the person/s involved