Grooming / Hygiene

Tattoos, hair, and nail colors are not allowed in school. Girls with long hair should wear their hair properly combed or clipped and preferably tied. Only small peach, brown, black, or khaki hair accessories are allowed when students are wearing school uniform. Girls should not wear scarf, bandanna, or wide hair bands/ribbons on their head when in school uniform. However, a girl may be allowed to use veil or ‘hijab’ after making a formal request from the school administration and approval by the school director. The hair length for pre-school and primary boys should not touch their ears or eyebrows.   


Students should bring extra P.E. T-shirts to avoid soaking their uniform with perspiration. They must clean and dry themselves before going back to the classrooms. Students must have grooming kit in their bags and maintain good personal hygiene every day. (Clean ears, nose, teeth; short and clean fingernails; no body odor, etc.)   


As a private basic education institution, the school does not allow boys to wear makeup. Senior high school girls may be allowed to put on light makeup and /or use nude/neutral lipstick if they wish to.  



Wearing jewelry in school is not allowed. The only accessory allowed for students is a wristwatch. Girls may be allowed to wear small stud earrings. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings. Dog tags, fancy necklaces, bracelets, and the like are not allowed when in school uniform.   


Haircut: (Starting August 2023)  
Grade 4 to Grade 12 male students are required to have the appropriate haircut. Haircut is checked by the school principal every second Monday of the month. Only the standard student haircut should be followed. A sample of allowed haircuts is displayed in the office of the principal. Barbers know the standard student haircut.