
Major Infractions: 

Major infractions are those that warrant the intervention of the school administration. In the event a student’s behavior violates the safety of others, or if the student demonstrates defiance of school staff, or disrupts the learning of others, the student may be dismissed from class and referred to an appropriate administrator.  

Students with knowledge of dangerous, harmful, or disruptive behavior have a duty to report such behavior to the school principal. Students that fail to report such behavior share accountability. No one may make false allegations or engage in retaliation against those who report misbehavior or who are called upon as a witness in a disciplinary investigation. 

 Major infractions include but are not limited to: 

  1. Any behavior that could result in suspension, expulsion, or the involvement of law enforcement 
  2. Possession of a dangerous weapon/object  
  3. Gang related activity/fraternity  
  4. Disruptive/defiant behavior  
  5. Defacing or injuring school property  
  6. Harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, and retaliation 
  7. Repeated or excessive minor infractions  

Minor Infractions: 

Minor infractions are commonly handled by teachers in a classroom. Repeated or excessive minor infractions can become major infractions and result in administrative referral. Minor infractions can result in a teacher lowering a character grade, seeking the help of parents or administrators, changing class structure to prevent misbehavior, re-teaching expectations, observing and monitoring more consistently, increasing positive interactions, and correcting without emotion as outlined in the class behavior management plan. 

Minor infractions may include but are not limited to such things as: 

  1. Disrupting class
  2. Horseplay without malice
  3. Dress code violations
  4. Defiance, insolence, insults
  5. Public displays of affection
  6. Inappropriate language, gestures, or actions
  7. Tardies
  8. Leaving school premises without permission
  9. Truancy
  10. Cheating or plagiarism
  11. Chewing gum
  12. Littering
  13. Misconduct (cafeteria, library, laboratory, classroom, corridors, playground, etc.)
  14. Noncompliance and defiance (academic/non-academic work, school rules and regulations, etc.