Moving Up Awards for Grade 10

Aside from TQA’s traditional honors and awards, the following are recognized during the moving up ceremony: 

Good Conduct Medal: 

This is given to a student who has demonstrated exemplary conduct and behavior during the school year without any disciplinary infraction or breach of the Student Honor Code. 

Sports Achievement Award (National and International Events Only):  

Any student who has won in national and international sports competitions during their junior high years (Grades 7-10) receives this award.   

CEM 99 and 99+: 

This is given to any student who gets 99 or 99+ in CEM yearend test. 

Scroll Award for Literary Integration in Communication Arts:   

This award is given to a student who has outstanding skills in both English and Filipino fiction and non-fiction writing based on his/her literary portfolios during the school year. 

Campus Journalism Cord:  

This award is given to a Quantum Leap member who has made significant contributions to TQA’s scholastic and traditional-legacy journalism.  

In evaluating a candidate for this award, the school admin and moderators consider the length of years of active and committed service to The Quantum Academy’s campus journalism.  The recipient must have at least two years of active involvement and an irreplaceable role in the school’s journalism. 

Azure/Crimson/Emerald/Gold House Medal:  

The house advisers choose only 2 recipients of this award based on leadership, active involvement, consistent participation, dedication, and support during house activities.  The house advisers choose the recipient/s of this award.   

Quantum Extra & Co-curricular Awards: 

These are awards given to students by winning in official TQA events and competitions.

Non-Quantum Competitions (National and International Events Only): 

These are school-approved non-Quantum-related awards and wins.