Parent Agreement with The Quantum Academy, Inc. (Statement)

The signed Parent Agreement with The Quantum Academy is required for final enrollment.

We have read the Student Handbook, the Student Honor Code and the Agreement with The Quantum Academy, Inc. and we fully understand their contents.

We agree without reservation with it, and we freely agree to be bound by its contents knowing that it is our own decision to enroll our child in this school.

We understand that if our child continuously violates or defies any school rule or policy, he/she will automatically get a character grade of P (Poor) or NI (Needs Improvement) in the report card which may lead to his/her termination of enrollment.

We understand that our child may fail in any subject due to excessive tardy, unexcused absences, non-compliance, or unsatisfactory academic performance.

We know our responsibility and we promise to pay our child’s tuition fee, other school financial obligations and if applicable, whatever fees, surcharges, or penalties that will be incurred because of our overdue payment.

We the parents will support and cooperate with the school and abide by its rules, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines.”

_______________________________   _________       _______________________________    __________

Father’s Signature Over Printed Name    Date             Mother’s Signature Over Printed Name    Date