Quality Basic Education

TQA supports UNESCO’s framework on the five dimensions of the variables of quality education: 

  1. Learner Characteristics: including learner aptitude, perseverance, readiness for school, prior knowledge, barriers to learning, and demographic variables.
  2. Context: including public resources for education, parental support, national standards, labor market demands, socio-cultural and religious factors, peer effects, and time available for schooling and homework.
  3. Enabling Inputs: including teaching and learning materials, physical infrastructure, and facilities, and human resources.
  4. Teaching and Learning: including learning time, teaching methods, assessment, and class size.
  5. Outcomes: including skills in literary and numeracy, values, and life skills.

The school considers the following as the best indicators of quality basic education:  

  1. Relevance, timeliness, and efficiency of the academic program 
  2. Equal opportunities for learning access and outcome 
  3. Observance of individual learning rights 
  4. Student achievement 
  5. College preparedness