Robotics Laboratory Guidelines

TQA Robotics kit use will be in accordance with the TQA Robotics User Agreement and Policy in conjunction with the guidelines. 

  1. Follow normal school rules – no running, fighting, pushing, shoving, etc. inside the Robotics Laboratory. 
  2. Students are responsible for the general care of the Robotics kit assigned to them during class use. 
  3. Students assigned to the kit will be responsible for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse. 
  4. Any defective part in the Robotics kit must be reported immediately to the teacher concern. A student caught destroying or damaging any of the parts will be put to sanction that includes paying the entire kit if it is a major part of robotics kit or replacing the minor part of the robotics kit.  
  5. Swapping of robotics kit or any part of it is not allowed as each student is accountable for the assigned kit. If caught doing so, students will be reprimanded or put to disciplinary action.  
  6. Assignment of Robotics kit is by group composed of 5-6 members.  
  7. No food or drink is allowed inside the Robotics Laboratory.  
  8. Students are responsible to bring their own sets of batteries every time there is activity that requires the use of the kit.  
  9. Do not “bump” the kits into walls, floors, or tables as it will damage the kits and might lead to breaking of some other parts of robotics.