Student Driver (TQA Senior High School)

For students who drive and park their cars in school whether inside campus premises or outside the school gates: 

Student drivers must comply with all the requirements asked by the school. There is a designated parking space for Quantum student drivers.  For those who are driving two or more vehicles, each must be registered and must have a permit from the school. 


  1. be 17 years old. 
  2. Must have a valid driver’s license, NOT a student permit. 
  3. not have consumed, used, or ingested any alcohol, illegal, impairing, or controlled substance or drug in the 24 hours preceding the bringing of vehicle. 
  4. Currently not using any medications that would cause impairment or otherwise induce drowsiness. 
  5. Not suffering from any condition including but not limited to epilepsy, hearing and visual impairment which would render the driving unreasonably dangerous for others; and 
  6. Must have submitted to the school director the accomplished and signed TQA Release of Liability Agreement and a clear photocopy of the valid driver’s license and the LTO Registration of the vehicle/s the student is driving to school.  

Classmates or schoolmates are not allowed to hitch a ride in a TQA student driven vehicle without their parent’s letter informing the school principal that they allow their child/children to ride in a ‘schoolmate-driven’ vehicle.