Suspensions, Expulsions, Other Sanctions and Penalties

The school has a handbook that contains a written policy setting out the standards of behavior it expects. The policy outlines what the school will do if the student’s behavior falls below these standards and expectations. The sanctions below cover a student’s infractions and violations for the last two school years (the previous grade level and the present grade level). 

Minor Offense 

1st Offense – Reprimand with guidance mentoring with a parent 

2nd Offense – Suspension of 1-2 days with guidance mentoring with a parent 

3rd Offense – Treated as a less grave offense, plus 3 days suspension 

Less Grave Offense 

1st Offense – Suspension which shall not exceed three (3) days 

2nd Offense – Suspension for 4-6 days 

3rd Offense – Shall be treated as a grave offense, plus 7 days suspension 

Grave Offense 

1st Offense – Suspension for seven (7) days 

2nd Offense – Suspension for more than seven (7) days but not more than one (1) year – referral to the Division Office for approval 

3rd Offense – Suspension for one (1) year or more – referral to the Secretary for approval 

4th Offense – Expulsion – referral to the Secretary for approval 

Expulsion shall only be imposed for grave offenses. 

A character grade of NI or P is given based on the severity of the violation, may it be minor, less grave, or grave offense.