Types of Bullying


Use of any mobile device, platform, website, media, app, etc. on the internet to destroy, humiliate, scare, degrade, or demoralize others. Cyber-bullying usually happens at home or outside the school. It is the parents’ responsibility to monitor their child’s online behavior and actions. 

Physical Bullying: 

Any intentional and unwelcome use of physical contact to inflict pain, damage or steal property or belongings 

Disablist Bullying: 

Bullying motivated by a prejudice against people with any form of disability 

Verbal Bullying: 

Use of language/words to threaten or hurt others, like offensive teasing, put downs, gossiping, backstabbing, etc. 

Exclusion Bullying: 

Use of threats, action, or power to reject, exclude, hurt feelings, put down or damage others and/or their reputation 

Racial/Religion Bullying: 

Antagonism, prejudice, or unfairness directed towards someone based on his race or religion (color/physical appearance, language, beliefs, culture, faith, etc.) 

Sexual/Gender Bullying: 

Any unwelcome and uninvited touches, comments, attention, representation, and behavior that are found to be judgmental, humiliating, offensive, intimidating, unkind, and hurtful to one’s physical, mental, and emotional condition or his state of sexuality 

Gesture Bullying: 

Use of non-verbal signals (actions) or expressions to cause fear, intimidation or hurt others 

Relational/Social Bullying: 

Relational or social bullying often happens behind the back of the bullied person. It is usually set on increasing the bully’s own social standing by diminishing the standing of another child. Relational bullying is about harming a child’s reputation, causing humiliation, spreading rumors or lies, making faces at the child, mimicking the child, and encouraging or even rewarding others to socially exclude the child. 

Bystander to Bullying: 

Depending on the incident and degree of involvement, a bystander or someone observing, tolerating, supporting, in collusion, or hiding a bullying act or plan by intentional manner that is damaging, threatening, humiliating, or hurting another student which may be in a form of lying, denying, ignoring, hiding, or keeping an information about a victim, a bully, or anything related to a bullying issue may or may not be sanctioned or penalized by the school depending on the impact and effect of bullying. 

A student can always choose to be an upstander. An upstander, unlike a bystander, takes positive action or reports to school authorities when they witness bullying or know someone else being bullied.