Use of Students’ Personal and Private Data

Once students are enrolled in TQA, the school is automatically granted parental consent to include them in an online or virtual presentation or announcement within the school’s official learning and social media platforms that include the school’s website, Microsoft Teams, Genyo e-Learning, YouTube, and FB private group. 

Quantum students are minors. In TQA, senior high students, even if they are 18 years or above, are still considered minors because they are still in basic education. Because of this, all class works, activities, projects, assignments, or requirements that may compromise their safety or expose their identity to the public are not allowed. 

Conforming to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173), the privacy and the security of our students’ and teachers’ personal data are, and always will be one of The Quantum Academy’s (TQA) highest priorities.   

The Microsoft Teams and Genyo e-Learning are TQA’s official and exclusive learning management systems (LMSs). However, to reach more members of the school community after classes and during non-academic events, TQA uses other social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook.  

The school controls and applies cyber-safety policies and admin settings for how its online accounts behave in the learning environment and what level of access students, parents, teachers, and the public have to certain features.  

Policies and procedures are constantly adjusted to keep the cyber environment safe, and the students protected.  

The school prohibits copying and sharing of any announcement or presentation the school has posted or streamed without the administration’s permission.  

Any school presentation, program, or announcement may be privatized or removed at any given time.    

The school does not allow the following student data to be shared or posted on non-Quantum online platforms

  • child’s full name  
  • birthdate, birthplace 
  • tests/quizzes/scores/grades 
  • school ID/passport 
  • LRN (Learner’s Reference Number) 
  • diploma/certificate 
  • school work with name 
  • home address 
  • school audio/video recording 
  • report card 
  • transcript of records 
  • other school documents